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Raising Money For

To support people with mental health challenges

4 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Jade Appleby
Team Leader
Natalie Pratt £115.65
Natalie Hansom £20.00
John-Adam Reid £0.00

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Status Updates

£103.20 from Holme Dodsworth Metals Ltd

Good luck from everyone at Holme Dodsworth Metals!

£51.70 from ABS Business Supplies

What a great effort by the whole team, ABS are 'wheelie' proud of you all :-)

£100.00 from Righton Blackburns

Good Luck from everyone at Righton Blackburns

£40.00 from David Mitten

Gift Aid +£10.00

£20.00 from Janet Douglas

Gift Aid +£5.00

Well done everyone you are all amazing

£100.00 from Jo & Graham From Advanced Adhesives

Well done - keep going - you are doing a wonderful thing.

£51.70 from Jeremy and Debra Nolan

It’s a very worthwhile cause. Thank you for doing this.

£515.20 from MTrec Recruitment

Good luck to everyone at CMP with your brilliant fundraising challenge!

£20.80 from Hannah Nolan

Gift Aid +£5.20

Isaac and Jade you'll smash it!!

£10.50 from Dionne Kennedy

Gift Aid +£2.62

Good luck to all those doing the challenge. You're making a difference to lives of those who use Anxious Minds 🙏💗

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